My Biography is very simple. Born and raised in Chicago I have a love for economics and technology.
Why? Because I am convinced that both are what make the world go around. The study of economics is the study
of production and consumption and explains much of why people do what they do. As far as Technology goes, it
just makes someone's possible reach become global.
Where I am on the Internet
Below are the different platforms of which I am a part. Feel free to click on one of the
logos below to view my profiles.
Facebook is what it is and they do it better than anyone else. You will need to be a member of facebook to view my profile.
While I have a Twitter handle, I have yet to figure out its value to me.
I have a LinkeIn profile but I am not a fan of LinkedIn. I think it was a great concept that
now is just after making money.
I rarely use Google+ except with Google Hangouts which is great. I think Google+ has a long way to go before
it truely contends with other playforms.